duminică, 27 martie 2011

Demon's Souls: Maiden in Black

The Maiden in Black, is a primal and key character from the dark fantasy RPG "Demon's Souls".

People don't remember her former name, but the story tells about a a young priestess who lived in the outskirts of Boletaria, a far kingdom between the Great Plains and The Frozen Mountains. (year 65 B.C.)
Her first son, Dandelion, a well respected mercenary who fought against the demons from Icy Peak,with the Order of the Twin Fangs, suffered an unexpected death.Some of the locals tell that he fell off a high cliff, others say that he died with honor, fighting a great demon beast.She waited almost 3 years for her son to return home, and when she heard about his death, she changed and left the High Priests Order.

One day, while she was visiting Dandelion's grave, he appeared to her, shining like the sun, with a great sword in his hand, dressed in a white robe. He told her that dark days were upon Boletaria and that the former king Allant the XII, must die. But he didn't give any reasons.
Nobody believed her, so she was taken in front of the king for judgement. Although she didn't do anything wrong, she was accused of witchery.
King Allant called upon the Gods, saying that the witch should be severely punished  for her traecherous words.
Her eyes were removed, bound to see only in the demon realm, and then sent to be the keeper of the Nexus (what we call today The Purgatory), a link between the real world and the fires of hell.

The Great King Allant,soon became full of greed, and a continuous pursuit for power. He managed to channel the power of souls through a dark ritual, that brought power and prosperity to Boletaria throughout the years, until the Deep Fog covered the whole kingdom, unleashing only chaos and destruction.
Soon, demons and beasts began roaming through the dark streets.

Neighboring kingdoms sent their best warriors to scout Boletaria, but none have returned home. One by one, they died under the swords and arrows of demons,some of them sent to the Nexus, others deluded and lost in the spirit world.
The Maiden's function in the Nexus was only to give strenght and self conscience to every fallen warrior.

Stories still tell about this woman dressed in black, some of the old folks say that she can be seen at midnight upon her son's grave.